Saturday 12 December 2015

Chupacabra May Have Been Found

In Paraguay firefighters came across the dead body of a creature no one could identify. As this creature was found in South America, the first thought was it is a Chupacabra, then possibly a space alien of some kind, or an unknown cryptid. The creature was found on Oct 21 by the Parana River shore line. Some think it looks part human, even possibly being part ape that would not be from the area.
The medical examiner looked over the photo of the creature and could not say what it could be. In South America there are a number of cryptids that could be a match for this creature. The Maricoxi is an aggressive ape-like creature that lives in the jungles of South America and would be about the right size ranging from 2 to 6 feet. It also could be a large monkey called the Mono Grande would be much larger than the new world monkeys of today. Both the Maricoxi and the Mono Grande have not been seen since about the 1920s so a sighting would be very rare.

More and more weird strange creatures are being found the world over, are these just known animals or un-identified new cryptids, even possible mutant animals caused by our own people in some sort of weird experiment, then there is the real possibility they may be alien creatures? I guess we will just have to wait and see, all will come to light in one way or another.

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