Saturday 20 April 2013

Bigfoot Encounters The Real Secret

We have Bigfoot news every single day in the form of Bigfoot creature sightings, Bigfoot stories, newspapers, videos, interviews by people who have claimed to see Bigfoot and so on. With all the many sightings and stories surrounding this Bigfoot creature secret, there still is no solid proof these man-like creatures actually exist. Yes, there are the foot prints, some fake and some that seem to be legit. We also have taped Bigfoot sounds and some video evidence that may suggest there is a real creature or creatures out there. There leaves one very powerful question, "Why Has No One Every Found A Bigfoot Dead Body" If they are real, they must die, so where are the bodies?

I actually know the real secret to Bigfoot or Sasquatch and could tell you exactly what these creatures are and where they come from. I can also explain why no Bigfoot body has ever been found and why no bodies ever will be found. I cannot reveal this information just yet, it is not the right time, but I will in the future and it will make perfect sense for most people. I can however reveal that Bigfoot encounters for the most part are very real and people around the world are in fact seeing a very large hairy creature, they are not imagining this or lying for the most part. Yes, some people are lying, they have not seen the hairy Bigfoot creature, they just want publicity.

 Just take a look at all the people spending their time investigating these Bigfoot or Sasquatch hairy creatures, there are many and have been doing it for a lifetime. There are others who write books and then there are the many videos and movies made on this subject. Do you see something here? People have a mystery to solve and will go to great lengths to do it, some lie, some spend their life savings on finding nothing, families break up over issues of non-stop searching, money spending, investigating etc There is a BIG! clue for you right there, something to think about.

When I do reveal the truth about Bigfoot and you hear what I have to say, all will be looked at in a whole different way. For now just remember people are actually seeing the creature, but this creature or creatures will never be caught and there will be no dead bodies ever found.

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Saturday 30 March 2013

Winged Humanoid Like Creature Spotted

A witness reported having a scary encounter with a strange humanoid like winged creature during the early morning hours of Feb 11, 2013 in Butler County PA. The incident is not the first reported as others have reported seeing the same creature in 2012 and 2011. These occurrences took place on a rural road located in Butler County Pennsylvania between Chicora and East Brady. This latest witness, a man passing through the area, stated that "this was the strangest scariest thing I ever seen in my life". The man reported he was driving down the road when he viewed about a ¼ mile ahead down the road, he saw something on the right side in the grassy area and thought at first it may be a deer or some other animal.

As the person moved closer and started to get a better view of the strange creature, he observed the creature fully seeing it standing up in a tall muscular appearance about 8 feet tall dark brownish leather like skin and humanoid like looking. The creature looked straight at the witness, then wings appeared from the rear of the creature as the creature jumped into the air and fly up and over the tall tree's until was out of sight.

There has has been other witness reports stating they had seen a similar humanoid looking like strange creatures with wings, so this is not a one time occurrence. Some of these witness had lie detector tests given and passed easily, their stories are reputable. There certainly is some very strange goings on in this Butler County area, could this Un-known creature possibly be from a different planet? There also has been numerous UFO sightings in this same area, could there be a link? It's only a matter of time until some person has another encounter with this freaky creature, hopefully is able to get a photo of the creature for proof.

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